Saturday, February 18, 2012

Big Saturday

So to start off, we slept in, making Red Bear quite bored and unhappy.  Then we played in the walker and toured all around the kitchen, playing with fun toys like the oven and pantry!  Also, we shot a few hoops to get our exercise on.  Quite a full Saturday!

Friday, February 17, 2012

A star is born!

Clearly Zach stole the show in his school's most recent play "Snowmen at night".  Zach had to look convincing while pretending to drink hot chocolate, ice skate and sledding, all while around him others were having snowball fights, playing snow baseball and chair racing! Clearly his concentration under such duress shows his extreme talent!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Subscribe by email

We added a new feature, if you want to subscribe with your email address then you should get email notification whenever we post something new.  Enter your email in the slot on the right, then confirm the auto-sent email and you're all set to be instantly updated whenever Big Z graces you with a new post.

Freezing at DeCordova

So, we went to DeCordova Museum (where we are members) and they tell us at the gate that the electricity is out everywhere but the gift shop (how convenient!). But, because of this rare occurrence, they were offering FREE admission (we're members, so it's already free, or rather pre-paid), AND the opportunity to roam the 35 acre grounds again for FREE (included in normal admission, which again for us is free). One catch. It was 28 degrees out with 20-30 mph gusts as there was an arctic blast in town this weekend (and probably why the electricity was not working). We braved the cold for 10-15 mins or so until we all decided we needed to be warmer and went back to the car.
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Dad & Zach enjoying the free Wednesday nights at the MFA. Just minutes afterwards both were nearly asleep (but so was mom!). It was 9 pm!
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